
Jordi Maristany Carreras


Curriculum overview

- Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Barcelona School of Architecture (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) in 1975.
- Ph.D. in Architecture from Barcelona School of Architecture (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) in 1985. Ph.D. Thesis:  Factors which influence the design of a many-floor-building structure, considering its construction process.
- Professor of Architectural Structures Department at Barcelona Shool of Architecture (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya) since the academic year 1979-80 up to the present
- He’s been Former Director of the Department of Architectural Structures (UPC), in 2007 and 2011. 
- He has taught Architecture subjects both in Spain and France.
- Author of presentations in a wide range of congresses
- He has also published many books in which are stated: “Cálculo en rotura de losas fungiformes” in 1994, “Pandeo de estructuras de hormigón armado” in 1997, “Pre i Postprocesadores para el cálculo de estructuras” in 1999.
- Likewise, he has presented and posted many articles in countless famous and prestigious world-known magazines.
- Regarding to his works, we could mention as the most important: “Barcelona’s airport addition”, by R.Bofill 1982; the calculation and structural design of “Contemporary Art Museum” by A. Siza 1989. The structural design of many residential blocks in “La Pau” area in Barcelona, by J.Barba 1989. The calculation of “SEAT's addition" in Martorell by J. Cramona, 1990. The calculation of “La Teixonera’s” structure, building that was dedicated to ancient people. Ampliation project of the modernist building “Casa Thomas” by LL. Domenech i Muntaner 1985. The calculation of "Science museum" in Sta. Cruz de Tenerife by J. Garcés in 1989. The structural design of the "Panoramic cinema Imax” in Moll d’Espanya in Barcelona, by E. Soria 1996. The calculation of the building of ICRA in the "Scientific & Technologic Park" of Girona 2006, project of Ilustration Museum “Lola Anglada” in Tiana 2010, and the whole rehabilitation of “Nord Station” in Barcelona 1982-2011.